Kamis, 06 Februari 2014

Seniman Ini Populerkan Seni "Menghilang", BENERAN BISA hilang gan !! + + PICTURE

Seniman China Liu Bolin kembali dengan karya barunya yang unik. Sampai saat ini, Liu seringkali disebut sebagai pria yang "tak terlihat" karena Liu berhasil membuat dirinya tidak terlihat oleh pandangan manusia.

Liu menggelar pameran barunya di Eli Klein Art Gallery di New York, Amerika Serikat. Liu mengecat tubuhnya sama dengan gambar ditembok yang berada di belakang tubuhnya. Liu pun langsung menghilang seketika bak seekor bunglon yang berpijak di tempat tertentu.

Namun saat ini, Liu bereksperimen dengan rak-rak mainan, papan reklame, dan di tengah sayuran-sayuran. Liu membuktikan kepada kita semua bahwa dirinya bisa menghilang di tempat manapun dia berdiri. Demikian, seperti diberitakan Daily Mail, Jumat (11/1/2013).

Pria berusia 40 tahun itu juga sering disebut sebagai seniman perfeksionis. Hal itu disebabkan karena, seni "menghilang" yang dipopulerkan Liu bukanlah karya seni yang sangat mudah.

Butuh sebuah ketelitian untuk mengecat tubuh seseorang dengan motif yang sama dengan tempat di mana dirinya berpijak. Liu pun sanggup melakukan hal itu dilapangan kuil China atau digeladak kapal.

"Beberapa orang memilih untuk melakukan kontak dengan dunia luar, namun saya lebih memilih untuk menyatu dengan lingkungan," ujar Liu sambil mendeskripsikan seni menghilangnya.


 Vanished: An incredible attention to detail is required for Liu Bolin to blend into backgrounds such as these shelves full of soft toys

 Blink and you'll miss it: Travellers could be forgiven for not noticing artist Liu Bolin hiding at this bus stop
 Popular: The images have gathered critical and public acclaim across the world
 Disappearing act: No matter how complex the backdrop, Liu Bolin manages to become virtually invisible to the naked eye
 Patience: The artist spends up to ten hours at at time to ensure the effect is inch perfect
 Frozen like a statue: The artist has no problem disappearing even in an outdoor environment such as in front of this Chinese statue
 Thin air: Artist Liu Bolin says his 'invisible' pictures make a statement about his place in society
 Art imitating art: A wall covered in graffiti provides another fascinating backdrop for Liu Bolin to disappear
 Camouflage: The artist blends in with rows and rows of people dressed in red hoods
 Fading away: The artist creates his own version of a family portrait with a mother, father and child stood in front of a lantern shop in Beijing
 Seamless: Artists spend hours carefully painting Liu Bolin from head to toe so he can blend in to the background
 Where is Liu Bolin? the artist stands in front of the 'Birds Nest' Olympic Stadium in Beijing, China
 Italian job: The artist is barely visible beside a canal in Venice
 Hanging by the telephone: Disguised amongst a pair of phone boxes
 Not a tourist attraction: Liu Bolin poses in Piazza San Marco in Venice, Italy
 Rock idol: The artist in an ancient arena
 Stock still: The artist arranges himself against a colourful wall
 Ghost: Standing among earthquake rubble
 Figure of war: The artist melts into a cannon
 Scaling down: Mr Liu spent three months perfecting this project in front of nine dragon sculptures in Beijing's Behei Park
 This one's a bit wooden: The painstaking detail of the paint on his clothing his carried out by two assistants
 Will I ever blend in? Mr Liu enjoys bursting out at unsuspecting people as they walk past his creations
 Blink and you'll miss him: Liu stands in front of shelves heaving with toy pandas
 Personal shopper: In a piece appropriately called Supermarket, Liu blends in with brands including Pepsi and Coca-Cola
 Fashion conscious: This work is called Jean-Paul Gaultier as a tribute to the French designer's trademark striped tops
 La mode: A model helps Liu in this tribute to French fashion house Lavin

sumber | edan77.blogspot.com | http://international.okezone.com/read/2013/01/11/214/744543/seniman-ini-populerkan-seni-menghilang


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