Membongkar 9 Teori Runtuhnya WTC 2001

Serangan teror Alqaidah ke menara kembar WTC di Manhattan AS memicu banyak teori konspirasi. Berikut 9 konspirasi yang ditimbulkan oleh serangan dahsyat yang menewaskan sekitar 3.000 orang tersebut.

Museum Ilusi Mata di Korea ini Bener-Bener Keren Abis

Trick Eye Museum di Hongdae, Seoul, Korea Selatan adalah tempat yang pas buat foto-foto. Museum ini berisi lukisan-lukisan aneh dan lucu yang seolah-olah muncul keluar dari bingkainya.

Kreasi dari Sabun yang Luar Biasa

Kalo agan liat ini, pasti ngga ngira kalo ini adalah sabun karena desainnya hampir seperti makanan.

Rabu, 11 Februari 2015

Ngobaran, Pantai Berbagai Keyakinan

Satu lagi pantai yang sangat layak dikunjungi di wilayah Kabupaten Gunungkidul, Provinsi DI Yogyakarta. Namanya Pantai Ngobaran, yang berjarak sekitar 65 kilometer dari Yogyakarta. Mengapa layak? Karena ada keunikan tersendiri. Di bibir pantai terdapat beberapa rumah ibadah, yaitu pura, replika candi, dan sebuah mushola.
Ketika tiba di lokasi pantai, saya disambut dengan sebuah gapura. Setelah melewati tempat parkir pun saya harus memasuki sebuah gerbang yang menyerupai pintu masuk menuju rumah ibadah.
Pantai Ngobaran sangat cocok untuk bermain air.

Berbagai patung dengan nilai-nilai moral tertentu berdiri seolah menyambut. Ada patung yang melambangkan budi pekerti, ada pula yang bertuliskan jujur, sementara yang lainnya bertuliskan “eling” (yang artinya adalah “ingat”). Stupa-stupa yang berdiri sekilas mengingatkan saya akan Borobudur.
Di sisi kiri terdapat replika candi, sedikit menjorok ke atas laut. Sementara itu mushola dibangun di atas bukit. Saya harus mendaki bukit kapur untuk mencapainya.
Patung-patung yang melambangkan nilai-nilai moral.
Tidak jelas kapan berdirinya masing-masing bangunan tersebut. Ada batu bertulis yang menyatakan pembangunan pada tahun 2004. Replika candi sendiri baru saja didirikan dalam beberapa bulan terakhir. Walau bangunan baru, hal itu tidak mengurangi kecantikan dan keunikan Pantai Ngobaran.
Yang unik di Ngobaran bukan hanya tempat-tempat ibadah. Pantainya sendiri memang sangat menarik dengan batu-batu besar yang menghias bibir pantai. Karang-karang raksasa berwarna hitam memecah ombak yang datang. Pantai ini tidak landai dan berpasir seperti pantai pada umumnya. Namun justru dengan adanya karang-karang besar tersebut, terbentuk semacam kolam-kolam kecil yang terhindar dari deburan ombak.
Pengunjung harus menuruni tangga untuk mencapai bibir pantai.
Ketika saya lihat dari atas, ada perpaduan antara karang hitam yang sebagian ditumbuhi lumut berwarna hijau cerah, pasir pantai berwarna cokelat muda, serta birunya laut. Indah sekali. Untuk mencapai bibir pantai ini, saya harus menuruni anak tangga yang bermula di lokasi patung yang akan membawa ke pinggir pantai. Setelah itu saya harus melewati tumpukan batu dan kerikil untuk benar-benar sampai di bibir pantai.
Pasir pantai memang tidak lembut, tetapi tempat ini sangat cocok untuk mandi-mandi dan bermain air karena keberadaan karang yang menghalangi ombak besar. Karang- karang landai yang ditumbuhi lumut pun mudah dipijak karena tidak terlalu licin. Untuk penggemar fotografi, pantai ini bisa dikatakan hampir sempurna.
Di atas tebing, di lokasi parkir, terdapat deretan warung sederhana yang menjual hasil laut. Lobster, ikan tongkol, kepiting dan sebagainya dapat dibeli dalam keadaan masih segar atu sudah diolah. Menikmati pemandangan pantai Ngobaran sembari minum es kelapa muda membuat saya sejenak melupakan rutinitas.
Pantai Ngobaran dapat dicapai dari Yogyakarta melalui jalan Yogya-Wonosari, dengan arah ke Paliyan, dan kemudian mengambil rute ke Ngrenehan. Banyak penanda arah yang mudah untuk diikuti. Apabila berkunjung ke Pantai Ngobaran, tentu Anda juga harus sekaligus mampir ke Pantai Ngrenehan, sebuah pantai nelayan sekitar 1 kilometer jauhnya.
Selain itu Anda juga harus ke Nguyahan yang dapat ditempuh hanya dengan berjalan kaki menuruni bukit dari Ngobaran. Harga tiket masuk Ngrenehan-Ngobaran-Nguyahan Rp3.000 per orang. Sementara itu, parkir mobil Rp5.000.
Published in Yahoo! Travel

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Kaliurang that is literally in Indonesian means "river shrimp", is a resort located in the province of Yogyakarta. Precisely  Kaliurang is located in Lahore District, on the border with the province of Central Java.  Kaliurang is located at the foot of the hill south of the merapi.sekitar plewang 28 KM north of Jogja. This area is a refreshing place for those who want to enjoy fresh air and green trees. As a mountain attractions,  Kaliurang offers accommodation facilities, villas, bungalows, accommodation as well as recreational facilities, such as swimming pools, tennis courts, and playgrounds are visited by many people.

Kaliurang is the most northern tip of the city of Yogyakarta, and the foot of Mount Merapi is located in the southwest. These tourist attractions in the era of the resort was formerly known as the Dutch colonial period. Over time, the  Kaliurang became a resort town famous people Jogja. Changing Kaliurang become tourist sites are not necessarily followed by the famous Mount Merapi as one of the attractions. Only after 1983 of Mount Merapi was introduced to the public.

This area is quite safe and in addition it is equipped with a siren warning the Merapi eruption that will ring a few hours before the eruption occurred make people able to be prepared and quiet as to be displaced.

The cool weather was able to restore the freshness of body and mind. However, not infrequently used as a location for  Kaliurang meeting or an important meeting. Besides a place to rest,  Kaliurang also provides a place for camping and pathways that can be passed to trekking.

262 hotels listed have been incorporated in the Hospitality Association  Kaliurang (Aspects) with an average growth of 8 hotels per year since 1979.

Kaliurang especially on holidays such as the youth are usually normal scout camping there. For those who like to climb the rock climbing through Kaliurang trim. They can spend the night in Kaliurang the start, kemudianwaktu dawn climb through the village of Kinahrejo and trim to about evening / afternoon. When the weather is good, an amazing sight panorama of forest-covered plewangan and Kaliurang, countryside and the green side of blue ocean can be seen even Indonesia could take a look. The most appropriate time to see the panorama is in the morning when the sun rises.

Entrance of the attraction is the Way Kaliurang Kaliurang, crowded highway by vehicles back and forth inside a solid shelters as well. That dotted the road towards the north end of the Blue Campus and will be translucent Kaliurang and trim. When examined carefully along the road are lined  Kaliurang  KM 10 farmers as well as merchant plants. Plants are starting to have a lot of fans this is a potential that is not less important than other potential has long been recognized.

Still on the road Kaliurang anggerk there is also a vast garden. Precisely at KM 15.5, there is a blooming orchid garden sustainably. In the garden is the center of all orchid growers in Sleman centralized into one. A garden that comes from the idea of ​​some orchid lovers in Lahore region to make this place a center for orchids in Sleman. A place where there are many different kinds of orchids with a variety of species, there are also various sizes of orchids. Of orchid seedlings are still small to large sized orchid breeders even orchids are also found here. Orchid species that are bred from the original also called for here, to the local and hybrid orchid hybrid impot also exist. This will memmudahkan hobis customers and in finding his favorite plants. A very interesting idea, collect some orchid growers in one centralized area. It also can be a very attractive tourist potential. When the Lahore district has ornamental plants, and turn it into a center for agro-tourism. This would defeat the central anthurium Karanganyar district that is very famous. There was also a garden Salak Agro, Turi (18 km from Yogyakarta), Garden Chrysanthemum, Pakem (18 km from Yogyakarta).

When visiting  Kaliurang , do not forget to stop by for a while and buy special food in the form of misbegotten  Kaliurang , which is food made from glutinous rice. Tempe and tofu bacem will be a complement of the bitch, bastard though tasty enough to eat without appendages.

GOA JOMBLANG CAVING, Exploring the Treasure of Vertical Cave

The journey to get to the bottom of Goa Jomblang (Jomblang cave) are indeed exhausting. Vertical steep path to reach the bottom of the Jomblang Cave requires bravery, especially for first timers. The cave horrible history indeed scares the local people. Many eerie stories come along with it. However, when we reached the bottom of the cave, all the fatigue and fear will be replaced by a sense of awe of the beauty of Goa Jomblang. 
Jomblang Cave is a vertical cave characteristics which diametrically 50 m wide with vertical sides varies between 60-80 meters. Because getting enough sunlight, at the bottom some trees grow exuberantly like an underground forest and on karst wall grow shrubs. 

When we reach the bottom of the cave, we can take a rest for a while in a cubicle from natural phenomenon. After sort resting, explorers can continue the journey by tracing the tunnel that connects the Cave Jomblang with other vertical cave named Grubug.
The tunnel is quite wide with a length of about 500 m. Is not difficult to pass the tunnel because there is a stone passageway. The both of cave is a cave that type of combination of vertical and horizontal cave.

If we can reach the bottom of Grubug at 01.00pm, the views of the sun through the eternal darkness at the bottom of the Cave Grubug would be so amazing. The ray has touched a number of stalactites and stalagmites formed by dripping water over thousands of years. Sunlight broke into the mouth of Grubug cave and one large stalagmite cave located at the bottom. On the north side of the huge stalagmites, there is the river flow that comes from Kalisuci.

Goa Jomblang and Grubug located in Semanu district,  Gunugkidul Regency, 50 km  southeast Yogyakarta, about 10 km from Wonosari (the capital of Gunungkidul regency). We suggested To reach Jomblang cave with use private transportation vehicle or motorcycle and will take about 2 hours drive from the city of Yogyakarta. Location of the cave was in middle of field rice by the way is quite challenging with rocks along the road to the location of the cave.

Semanu, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
It needsl 2 hour to get there from the centre of Yogyakarta.

A Breath-taking Experience at Borobudur Temple in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

A Breath-taking Experience at Borobudur Temple in Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Borobudur Temple is a Mahayana Buddhist Temple in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia, built in the 9th century.

The monument comprises 504 Buddha statues and 2,672 relief panels, according to Wikipedia.

Preserved through several restorations over the past centuries, Borobudur is an exceedingly popular tourist attraction that’s swamped with visitors throughout the day and year.

The best time to visit Borobudur is before the breaking of dawn, when the sky is still pitch dark.

Your experience begins from absolute darkness. Armed with a torch light and an adventurous outlook, you commence walking up steep steps to get to the peak of the temple, find a cosy spot that gives you the best view of the ensuing sunrise, watch the sky gradually change colours, and keeping your eyes peeled just so you won’t miss a single moment.

As the sun slowly emerges from behind the mountains, constant bolts of anticipation skimmed through my nerves.

Tickets for the Borobudur Sunrise are priced at Rp. 380,000 (about SGD $50-ish). It might be a tad pricey, but it’s absolutely worth every single cent.

Pictures in this post are taken using the SONY RX100. It’s a compact camera that boasts impressive image quality and sharpness coupled with brilliant colours. It’s a great carry-about camera, small enough to fit comfortably in one’s pocket, without compensating on image quality.

Describing the view as spectacular is an understatement.

I’ll let the pictures do the talking.

The temple officially opens at 7am, and that’s when tourists start streaming in unceasingly. It won’t be long before the entire monument is stripped off its tranquil state, and steered abuzz. The entry ticket after 7am is half the price of what you would pay to see the sunrise.

Sacrificing a little sleep is nothing compared to that much of an awe you’d encounter.

Borobudur is infinitely the highlight of my trip to Yogyakarta.

Enjoy the cool mist and bask in the cloudy blue sky, while admiring centuries-old effigies.

Thank you AirAsia and for flying me to Yogyakarta. This is one expedition I will never be able to erase from my memory.

Airfares are made affordable, so ‘everyone can fly’.

Good-bye Yogyakarta…

Nasi Padang Uda Ratman (SGD$5)

The Nasi Padang Uda Ratman that I had is also the ‘Captain’s Choice’, which I totally concur.

The beef rendang is well infused with flavour, derived from the melange of spices, coconut milk, turmeric leaves, lime leaves, shallots and garlic.

Read more about my trip to Yogyakarta, my flight and accommodation here:

Airport Fashion: Sandara Park’s Solo Trip

dara 2013 sandara park 2ne1 kpop airport fashion leopard coatSandara Park took time out of her busy schedule to head over to Japan last week, where she attended YG label-mate Se7en‘s Tokyo show for the Se7en 2013 Concert in Japan tour. Shortly after the event, she flew back home to Korea, where she arrived in style.
Her ensemble was a refreshing departure from all of her usual Balmain gear — this time she sported a fun red and blue leopard print wool coat from Christopher Kane ($2333 $1633). The petite 2NE1 singer accessorized with a Chanel leather backpack ($3074), pink MCM passport wallet ($160) and ‘Freddy‘ style studded oxfords from Christian Louboutin ($995 $447). She topped it all off with funky fur trapper hat!
Need more K-pop fashion identified? Just ask at the Request Line!
dara 2013 sandara park 2ne1 kpop airport fashion leopard coat
dara 2013 sandara park 2ne1 kpop airport fashion leopard coat dara 2013 sandara park 2ne1 kpop airport fashion leopard coat
(KpopStarz [1])

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