Selasa, 28 Januari 2014

Ini Dia 9 Teori Konspirasi Terkait Runtuhnya WTC

Serangan teror Alqaidah ke menara kembar WTC di Manhattan AS memicu banyak teori konspirasi. Berikut 9 konspirasi yang ditimbulkan oleh serangan dahsyat yang menewaskan sekitar 3.000 orang tersebut.
1. AS Sudah Mengetahui Akan Diserang
Presiden AS saat itu, George W Bush mengatakan bahwa tidak ada seseorang pun di pemerintahannya yang membayangkan negara superpower itu bakal diserang lewat pesawat yang menubruk gedung pencakar langit. Namun beberapa pekan sebelumnya, ketika Bush dan sejumlah pemimpin G8 di Genoa, Italia, sudah memperhitungkan skenario tersebut. Mereka menempatkan misil antipesawat di dekat tempat pertemuan. Sebelumnya, Italia mendapat ancaman akan diserang lewat pesawat.
2. WTC Runtuh Karena Bahan Peledak
Sejumlah fisikawan maupun penggemar teori konspirasi dan pakar teknik sipil percaya gedung WTC diledakkan dari dalam. Bukan karena semata ditubruk pesawat. Ini berasal dari teknik bangunan WTC yang tertanam kokoh tapi hancur hingga ke dasar. Menurut mereka, ada sejumlah besar bahan peledak disimpan di WTC di tempat-tempat strategis.

David Surowiecki took the above photo of people jumping off the towers.

3. Pialang Saham Berperan
Sebelum 9/11 memang ada aksi pasar saham yang memberi dampak cukup luas. Misal: saham United Airlines dan American Airlines yang pesawatnya dibajak, saham mereka dilepas cukup besar sebelum 9/11. Sementara perusahaan keamanan, di sisi lain yang bakal meraup untung pascaserangan WTC, juga mengalami kebanjiran order saham. Saham Morgan Stanley, yang berkantor di WTC juga mengalami aksi jual besar-besaran.
4. Pesawat Sebenarnya Bisa Ditembak
NORAD (Komando Pertahanan Amerika Utara) seharusnya mampu menembak pesawat-pesawat yang dibajak atau mampu menghalau pesawat itu mendekati targetnya. Namun NORAD tidak melakukan hal ini dan mereka terlambat mengetahui ada pembajakan pesawat.
5. Pesawat di Pentagon
Teori lainnya mengatakan Pentagon tidak diserang oleh pesawat American Airlines Flight 77. Argumentasinya, Petagon adalah gedung paling aman di dunia, memiliki ribuan kamera pengintai. Tapi tidak ada satupun kamera yang menangkap pesawat bakal menghantam Pentagon. Teori konspirasi menghubungkan serangan Pentagon dengan adanya oknum AS yang menembakkan misil ke markas Dephan itu.

6. Kotak Hitam
Setiap pesawat memiliki dua kotak hitam yang menyimpan informasi penerbangan. Anehnya, tidak ada satupun kotak hitam dari dua pesawat yang menghantam gedung WTC. Namun belakangan, para pekerja yang membersihkan sisa sisa WTC mengatakan mereka menolong agen federal mengambil tiga dari empat kotak hitam di sana. Dan kotak hitam di Pentagon pun diklaim sudah sangat rusak untuk dibaca. Kotak hitam yang bisa dibaca umum hanyalah dari United 93 yang jatuh di Pennsylvania.
7. Aksi CIA dan Mossad
Mantan presiden Italia ikut memberi teori konspirasi. Menurut dia, ada informasi dari kaum kiri Italia yang menyatakan CIA dan Mossad ada di belakang serangan WTC. Sehingga mereka menjadikan Islam dan Muslim sebagai kambing hitam. Bahkan lembaga intelejen Pakistan Inter-Service Intelligence mengklaim tahu ada rencana tersebut.
8. Bukan Pesawat, Tapi Misil
Dengan asumsi badan pesawat terbuat dari alumnium yang kekuatannya rendah untuk meruntuhkan WTC, maka ada sejumlah pihak yang menilai jangan-jangan bukan pesawat yang menabrak WTC tapi sebuah misil dengan efek hologram menyerupai pesawat. Teori ini didukung dari analisis frame per frame siaran tabrakan itu yang menunjukkan bentuk pesawat lebih menyerupai selongsong cerutu yang lonjong

9. Demi Minyak
Menghancurkan WTC akan membuka jalan bagi negara-negara barat untuk menguasai aset-aset minyak di Timur Tengah. Penggemar teori konspirasi yakin para perusahaan minyak raksasa memiliki sumber daya untuk membuat serangan tersebut.

And the dust cloud grew . . .

and grew . . .

and grew . . .

enveloping lower Manhattan . . .

Newly released aerial photos of the World Trade Center terror attack capture the towers' dramatic collapse, from just after the first fiery plane strike to the apocalyptic dust clouds that spread over lower Manhattan. But the photos suggest something else was going on. This does not look like a "collapse".

The images were taken from a police helicopter--the only photographs allowed in the air space near the towers on September 11, 2001. Underwriters Laboratory had certified the steel up to 2,000°F for three to four hours. When NIST sampled 236 pieces of steel, it found 233 had not even been exposed to temperatures above 500°F--and the other three not above 1,200°F.

ABC News obtained them among 2,779 pictures released in response to a Freedom of Information Act request (FOIA). In the air for three hours, Det. Greg Semendinger took three rolls of 36 stills with his personal Minolta Maxxum 7000 camera and another 245 with his digital Olympus U-2100.

It took a year for the National Institute of Standards and Technology to respond to ABC News. NIST may not have wanted to release them, because they contradict its theory that the heat from the fires cause the towers to collapse. Since the fires were not evenly distributed, any "collapse" should have been asymmetrical, too--slow and gradual, not complete and total.

Semendinger gave his photographs to the 9/11 commission set up to investigate the attack. From there, they made their way to NIST as part of its probe of the buildings' destruction. This one shows the fragile "bathtub" beneath the towers, which kept Hudson River water out. They remained intact only because the buldings did not collapse but were turned to dust.

Notice that the South Tower has already turned to dust, which is enveloping lower Manhattan. The modest fires only burned for about an hour in the South Tower and an hour and a half in the North Tower--neither long enough nor hot enough to cause the steel to weaken, much less melt.

How could anyone--including NIST--have viewed the conversion of these two 500,000-ton towers into millions of cublic yards of very fine dust and concluded that they had "collapsed"? It reminds me of the old Richard Pryor joke, "Who are you going to believe--me or your lying eyes?" Ask yourself!

Many photographers were in New York, covering the U.S. Open and the NY Fashion Week. Also, two photographic legends, Steve McCurry and James Nachtwey were also coincidentally in town. For Time magazine, Nachtwey took some of the most powerful images of the day, including the photo above.
New York Post’s Bolivar Arellano was just beneath the South Tower when it came crashing down.
Bill Biggart heard that the first plane crashed into the WTC on the radio; he rushed to the site, and documented the devastation until the North Tower collapsed and buried him. He was the only photographer killed during the attack. His camera and film were recovered, published in Newsweek on October 19th 2001. They are now in Newseum.
Suzanne Plunkett was covering the DKNY fashion show that morning. She raced to the Ground Zero, and as she emerged from the subway at Fulton Street, the towers came down. She took powerful images of panicked people running just before the dustcloud overtook her. She ran for her life hid under a car.
Father Mychal Judge, the New York Fire Department’s beloved chaplain became the most famous victim of the attacks. Judge entered the North Tower after administering the Last Rites to the people lying on the streets. Shannon Stapleton (Reuters) took the touching photo of Judge’s body being carried out of the rubble by five men, which instantly became known as American Pieta.
Amy Sancetta was enjoying a day off from covering the U.S. Open; on hearing the attacks, her first thoughts were, “Oh, great. Some guy has driven his little twin-engine plane into the trade center, and it’s going to take up my whole day off in the city.” She was justified in this reasoning, for in 1945, just that happened at the Empire State Building. She arrived as the South Tower collapsed and the debris cloud overtook her. After hiding in a parking garage, she emerged back into a “winter wonderland of debris”, and took the above photo of a businessman emerging from the debris.
Gulnara Samoilova who lived just four blocks away from the WTC was awaken by the sirens. She entered the south tower, but quickly retreated, and was just outside it when it collapsed. In coming months, as an editor of AP Library, her job came to involve going through the 9/11 photos. Deeply haunted by her memories, she left the AP in 2003.
Officer Richard Adamiak yelled at Ruth Fremson after she took his photo as he caught his breath inside the Stage Door Deli.



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